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design: Tena Sims

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-blog o simsima
-osnovan 27.10.2009.



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-u svim bojama, mesh uključen

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-u svim bojama, mesh uključen

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-u svim bojama, mesh uključen

subota, 14.11.2009.

Sjetila se i ja Vas....Nove Karijere

Evo, da konaćno napišem novi post..tu Vam donosim nešto vrlo zanimljivo za vaše simsiće drage XD..NOVE KARIJERE...Tj. novi poslovi koje će vaši simsići moći raditi u igri...evo, u postu vam sve piše, nakon što skinete i malo pročitate tek toliko da znate o čemu je riječ možete uči u igru i posliti vašeg simsa kao:::

Fashion Design Career (modni dizajner :))

1. Gopher: You are just starting out but at least you have a foot in the door. You get to go for coffee and go for lunch and go for any paperwork and copies that are more than two steps away from the office they're needed in. Work hard and your skills may be noticed.
MTWThF 3pm-6pm $80

2: Secretary: You now get to make the copies and make sure all documents for all members of the company get made and make it into the gopher's hands. Work on your charisma and creativity skills and you may get noticed and promoted.
MTWThF 3pm-7pm $100

3: Junior Intern: You are now responsible for making sure the interns have everything they need to get their job done. Good work at making it this far. You're valued at the company and have worked your way to the top.
MTWThF 3pm-7pm $120

1. Intern: You have always had a passion for fashion. You bet against the odds and got the job that everyone dreams of; working as an intern for a top American Designer! Remember to stay focused and develop your creativity and charisma skills. Designers look for inspiration everywhere so be sure to dress chic.
MTWTHF 7am-6pm $150

2. Designer’s Assistant: You are now in charge of organizing photo shoots and merchandise, and you even get to attend fashion shows! While you are keeping busy, continue to improve your creativity and charisma skills. If you want to move up in the fashion world start networking and making contacts.
M WTH SS 7am-6pm $300

3. Design Team Member: All of your attention to detail has paid off and you now have a hand in helping come up with ideas for your boss. Keep building your creativity and stay in contact with the people you have met. Now is a great time to focus on the business side of fashion, build your logic skill and stay on top.
MTTHF 10am-6pm $450

4. Design Team Supervisor: Your boss has seen your potential and has decided to put you in charge of his design team. Creativity is key, keep your team members inspired and keep building your logic and knowledge of fashion.
MTThF $450

5. Fashion Buyer: As a fashion buyer you will learn the process of choosing what pieces to pick up and what to leave behind. This will give you a chance to further your fashion knowledge by seeing what designers are doing. Keep your charisma and creativity up to succeed in this business.
SWTHFS 9am-7pm $700

6. Fashion Stylist: All of your contacts are finally paying off and people are hiring you to dress them for Award Shows, Movie Premieres, or High Society Parties. Your clients are important to you so remember to keep up your knowledge of other designers and keep up your creativity skills. Your eye for and knowledge of fashion will help you to develop your own line.
SMTHFS 10am-6pm $875

7. Label Designer: As a label designer you are now living the dream. All of your ideas are being polished and you are starting to make garments of your very own. Don’t neglect your logic and creativity skills; your knowledge and new ideas put you where you are today, keep up your contacts and your label might just get picked up, even if only by a small company.
SMTFS 9am-5pm $1020

8. Boutique Designer: Your label has attracted funding from your elite contacts and you are now selling your own garments in an actual store to actual people who want them! You are developing a following from locals as well as elite clients. Celebrities are dying to wear one of your originals to an award show or movie premiere and people are starting to recognize your name.
TWThFS 9am-6pm $2800

9. Fashion Show Designer: Your label has now gone mainstream and you have snagged a spot at Fashion Week. Your clothes, handbags, and shoes are in high demand and people are dying to see what this season brings. Your creativity and charisma skills are still at a premium, keep your audience entertained and your models happy and you could be the next big thing!
TWThF 10am-5pm $3400

10. High Fashion Designer: Congratulations. You are now a household name and your garments are being shown in fashion shows around the globe. People are looking to you for inspiration and fashion magazines are using your pieces in photo shots. You are a fashion icon!
TWThF 9am-4pm $5000

Potrebne ekspanzije: /

Basic Download and Install Instructions:
My DocumentsEA GamesThe Sims 2Downloads


Modeling Career (manekenstvo)

1. Modeling Agency Recruit TWTFS – 1700-2000 §65
Your beauty caught the eye of a modeling recruiter and now you’re being paid to look good. If you show enough potential you just might make it into the modeling school to further hone your talents.

2. Modeling School Student MTWTF – 1500-1800 §80
You’ve made it to modeling school! But you’ll have to work hard to get noticed among all the other students there with you. Show those instructors why you should become the professional.

3. Professional Teen Model TWTFS – 1700-2100 §120
Congratulations! You’ve been chosen to be one of the few Professional Teen Models. Keep up the hard work and you may have a promising career ahead of you one day.

1. Pageant Contestant WTFS – 1300-2200 §125
You’ve always known you were attractive so you spend your afternoons quickly changing from evening attire to swimsuits, answering questions, and twirling flaming batons. If you can just stand out, just once, you may be noticed by one of real talent recruiters. Prove you are worthy and you may get the opportunity to work towards something more than a crown.

2. Promotional Model WTFSS – 1200-2100 §250
You got noticed and have been offered the chance to be a live model. You are using your personality to attract buyers to all sorts of merchandise. Even though you’re being paid to model, you still feel as though you’re being used to further someone’s wallet. You know you’re not the focus here but if you show potential you have the chance to become the focus. You must be very charismatic and don’t forget to look good!

3. Hand Model MTWTF – 0800-1600 §325
Finally someone who notices your potential. Even if it was just your hands as you handed them a cup of juice made from newest blender. Every morning you wake up early just to have your hands filmed with various items for the shopping channel. No matter, you know with hard work in all departments, you’ll be able to move on to bigger and better things.

4. Catalog Model MTWTF – 1000-1800 §500
As a catalog model, you are now the face of the clothes. However, when you arrive on set, you find that many of the clothes do not fit. Creativity and mechanical skills will come in handy for discovering ways to make these clothes look good on anyone, especially you for your photo shoots. Your body also needs to improve to ever have a chance to compare with the top supermodels.

5. Commercial Model TWTFS – 1100-1800 §750
Catalog modeling went well for you but you are on your rise to the top and won’t be happy until you make it there. With the help of your newly acquired agent, you’ve moved on to commercials and get to use your voice as well. You find that these clothes fit even worse so keep working on your creativity and mechanical skills. You’ve also heard a new calendar is coming out that’s being shot in Twikkii Island. If your body is good enough (and you’re able to charm a photographer into putting in a good word for you), you may be one of the chosen.

6. Swimsuit Model TFSS – 1000-1500 §1500
You made it to Twikkii Island. Usually the weather is too hot and sticky to even contemplate going outside and you have to work hard to not get a sunburn without making it too hard to airbrush your make-up on. However, the pay is better and people are actually doing things for you now. You’ve had a taste of the good life and you want more.

7. Underwear/Lingerie Model SMTW – 1000-1500 §2000
Being a lingerie model is practically the same as a swimsuit model. Except now you have to look sexy without looking like a gigolo/tramp and come off available without actually being so. Not to mention there is a little more skin showing than usual. There are a few perks though such as working in the air conditioning and romping with attractive models of the opposite gender. Work hard on all your skills and you may make it to a place where your entire person is appreciated rather than just your body.

8. Fashion Editorial Model WTFS – 1100-1700 §3000
You’ve been selected as one of the year’s rising stars in the modeling industry. Now, because you are becoming a household name, all the major fashion magazines want you in their spreads. Not to mention the designers that line up at your agent’s door, all willing to pay large amounts of Simoleons for you to don their designs, for just a few photos featured in the magazines. Still, you’re not going to be satisfied until you make it to the top.

9. International Runway Model TFSS – 1500-2100 §3500
Your popularity keeps spreading and you’ve made it to the runway. Your personality shines, without overshining the designs, your body is almost like that of a deity, and you’ve practically perfected new ways of making the designs come alive for the audience members. You’ve still got some work, especially with walking down the runway in all those tricky clothes and tricky set designs, so keep working because this is your chance to make it to the top.

10. World Famous Supermodel MTW – 1100-1600 §5000
Congratulations, you’ve made it to the pedestal upon which all sims place only a few. Your face can be seen everywhere: magazines, TV, billboards, and posters adorning teens’ bedrooms everywhere. Everyone wants to know you and those that do want to be you. You are now a World Famous Supermodel and you’ve got eyes on you at all times. Don’t forget to keep up your appearance and behavior for the sake of your fans everywhere. And remember to bask in the glow of your fame because, soon, your looks will rot.

Potrebne ekspanzije: University

Install Instructions:
My DocumentsEA GamesThe Sims 2Downloads

PREUZMI KARIJERU je to od karijera...ako ste primjetili, imam novi dizajn.....hehe...dali vam se sviđa ? XD....

do idućeg posta!!!!!!


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četvrtak, 29.10.2009.

Šifre- iako već skoro svi znaju za njih

Sims 2


CTRL + SHIFT + C otvara prozor za šifre

zatvori prozor:upiši exit

povećaj/smanji prozor konzole: expand
get 1000 cash :kaching

lista šifri:help -all

daje ti do znajna ima li patcheva:autopatch (on/off)

micanje/brisanje objekata koje prije nisu bili mogući:moveobjects (on/off)

povećava performanse igre ali smanjuje kvalitetu grafike: vsync (on/off)

povećava/smanjuje vašeg simsa:StretchSkeleton

ukljućuje/isključuje starnje: aging on/off

50,000 simoleans: motherlode

isklučuje razlike u licu (?):faceBlendLimits (on/off)

možeš postavljat objekte izvan granice: boolProp snapObjectsToGrid true/false

Možeš pozvat više ljudi na čagu. :intProp maxNumOfVisitingSims 8

skida cenzuru:intprop censorgridsize 0

možeš mijenjati visinu poda :boolprop constrainFloorElevation false

zabranjuje mijenjanje visine poda: boolprop constrainFloorElevation true

briše sve šifre sa ekrana ali one još uvijek rade: clear

usporava/ubrzava igru od 0 do 8 (0=najabrže i 8=najsporije): slowmotion

prikazuje puno informacija: boolprop lotInfoAdvancedMode (True/False)

Miče sjene sa objekata izvan kuće: boolprop objectShadows (True/False)

miče sjene unutar kuće:boolProp guob (True/False)

Put kojim sim hoda:boolProp displayPaths (True/False)

Uključuje/isključuje sjenu za simsa :boolProp simShadows (True/False)

govori kakva će biti reakcija pije nego se dogodi:social_debug


Više šifri (oprez!)
brzina igre. (# = 0 do 8, 0 je normalno) slowMotion #
uključuje Postprocesiranje. boolProp enablePostProcessing true

isključuje Postprocesiranje . boolProp enablePostProcessing false

Sitcom flashback blur effect (# = 0.0 to 1.0) (require postprocessing on) bloom rgb #
Blurry bits at the edge of the screen. (# = 0.0 to 1.0) (require postprocessing on) vignette # # #
Makes the screen grainy. (# = 0.0 to 1.0) (require postprocessing on) filmGrain #
Adds a letterbox effect to the view. (# = 0.0 to 0.4) (require postprocessing on) letterBox #

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utorak, 27.10.2009.

Tko su simsi ? Zašto sam otvorila ovaj blog?

Simsi su zapravo igrica u kojoj vi glumite svoje ljude, najlakše objašnjeno, upravljate njihovim životima. Zabavna je, realistična i cool...Eto baš zato imam ovaj blog...Zapravo, velika većina ljudi zna za ovu igru, tako da ne vrijedi puno objašnjavati.Nadam se komentarima na ovaj blog..xD..jer vraćat ću ih, sve što dobijem..pusica...čitamo idučega posta....bye byeee..wavewavewave

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